Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

Spectacular QPA Fireworks and Food Festival

Thursday 11 November 2021

Drone video montage created by Aemilia C (OQ)

We were absolutely delighted to be able to host the legendary Queenswood Parents’ Association Fireworks and Food Festival on Sunday 7 November, in aid of Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice.

Over 700 members of the school community gathered on Trew Lawn to enjoy a breathtaking display of pyrotechnics – our first since 2018.

Footage from Trew Lawn featuring music selected by Queenswood pupils

The 20 minute show was set to a superb soundtrack curated by the pupils themselves, culminating in the traditional singalong of the school song.

The street food vans, selling a range of Indian, BBQ and rolled ice-cream snacks, did a roaring trade, and the two teams of Sixth Form entrepreneurs were rushed off their feet selling tuck and treats in the Terrace Room.

Best of all, we raised over £3000 for our friends at Noah’s Ark, some of whom were able to join us to enjoy the fun. The Q community has now donated enough money to fund the hospice’s multi-sensory ‘Whispering Wood’.

We are extremely grateful to Ms Penny and the QPA, and to the many Queenswood staff who worked so hard to make the evening possible.