Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

Drop Everything and Read!

Wednesday 6 September 2023


Drop Everything and Read, or DEAR, is a wonderful way of encouraging our students to read. This term books will form part of students’ equipment and they will be given the opportunity to stop everything and read for ten minutes each week. Staff will read alongside students and enjoy the ability to be able to slip into another world.

The benefits of reading are far reaching and a wide range research demonstrates this. Reading on a regular basis improves vocabulary and develops critical thinking skills. Reading also builds confidence and broadens horizons. Often the characters we meet in books as children stay with us for a lifetime. Better readers become better writers and this will support all areas of the curriculum. In addition to the obvious educational benefits of reading it has been shown that reading, even for a short time, reduces anxiety and improves mental well-being.

We encourage students to choose texts that they will enjoy reading. Please support your child and ensure they have a book to read.


“Reading is everything, and saying so is more than an inspirational slogan. It is now a definitive research conclusion.”

– Bert Gambini